

Modeling Memory for Melodies

14 years 6 months ago
Modeling Memory for Melodies
The aim of the presented study was to find structural descriptions of melodies that influence recognition memory for melodies. 24 melodies were played twice to 42 test persons. In the second turn, some of the melodies were changed, and the subjects were asked whether they think that the melody has been exactly the same as in the first turn or not. The variables used to predict the subject judgments comprise data about the subjects’ musical experience, features of the original melody and its position in the music piece, and informations about the change between the first and the second turn. Classification and regression methods have been carried out and tested on a subsample. The prediction problem turned out to be difficult. The results seem to be influenced strongly by differences between the subjects and between the melodies that had not been recorded among the regressor variables.
Daniel Müllensiefen, Christian Hennig
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where GFKL
Authors Daniel Müllensiefen, Christian Hennig
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