

How Much Assurance Does a PIN Provide?

14 years 8 months ago
How Much Assurance Does a PIN Provide?
Abstract. We would like to quantify the assurance contained in an authentication secret. For instance, how much assurance does a customer convey to a bank by revealing that his Personal Identification Number (PIN) is 1111? We review a number of previously proposed measures, such as Shannon Entropy and min-entropy. Although each is appropriate under some assumptions, none is robust regarding the attacker’s knowledge about a nonuniform distribution. We therefore offer new measures that are more robust and useful. Uniform distributions are easy to analyze, but are rare in human memory; we therefore investigate ways to “groom” nonuniform distributions to be uniform. We describe experiments that apply the techniques to highly nonuniform distributions, such as English names.
Jon Louis Bentley, Colin Mallows
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where HIP
Authors Jon Louis Bentley, Colin Mallows
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