

Mode-Automata Based Methodology for Scade

14 years 9 months ago
Mode-Automata Based Methodology for Scade
In this paper, we present a new design methodology for synchronous reactive systems, based on a clear separation between control and data flow parts. This methodology allows to facilitate the specification of different kinds of systems and to have a better readability. It also permits to separate the study of the different parts by using the most appropriate existing tools for each of them. Following this idea, we are particularly interested in the notion of running modes and in the Scade tool. Scade is a graphical development environment coupling data processing and state machines (modeled by the synchronous languages Lustre and Esterel). It can be used to specify, simulate, verify and generate C code. However, this tool does not follow any design methodology, which often makes difficult the understanding and the re-use of existing applications. We will show that it is also difficult to separate control and data flow parts using Scade. Regulation systems are better specified usi...
Ouassila Labbani, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Pierre Boulet
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Ouassila Labbani, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Pierre Boulet
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