

Fugue: An Interactive Immersive Audiovisualisation and Artwork Using an Artificial Immune System

14 years 7 months ago
Fugue: An Interactive Immersive Audiovisualisation and Artwork Using an Artificial Immune System
Fugue is the result of a collaboration between artist, musician and computer scientists. The result is an on-going project which provides a new way of communicating complex scientific ideas to any audience. Immersive virtual reality and sound provide an interactive audiovisual interface to the dynamics of a complex system – for this work, an artificial immune system. Participants are able to see and interact with immune cells flowing through a lymphatic vessel and understand how the complex dynamics of the whole are produced by local interactions of viruses, B cells, antibodies, dendritic cells and clotting platelets.
Peter J. Bentley, Gordana Novakovic, Anthony Ruto
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Peter J. Bentley, Gordana Novakovic, Anthony Ruto
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