

A Similarity Measure for Task Contexts

14 years 7 months ago
A Similarity Measure for Task Contexts
Knowledge workers are often embedded in an organizational setting, where execution of processes allows for appropriate, context-sensitive support. When a knowledge worker starts a new task in a workflow management system, chances are good, that someone of his colleagues has already performed or is currently busy with a similar task. Our research aims at enabling a knowledge worker to make use of workflow tasks in a minimally disturbing way. Therefore, we have to elicit his task context and find out workflow tasks with similar context. As such a task context consists of a set of contextual elements, a technique to compare two task contexts and the contextual elements therein is needed. This paper presents a similarity measure for these contextual elements, and hence, for task contexts.
Roza Shkundina, Sven Schwarz
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Roza Shkundina, Sven Schwarz
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