

Data-Parallel Method for Georeferencing of MODIS Level 1B Data Using Grid Computing

14 years 8 months ago
Data-Parallel Method for Georeferencing of MODIS Level 1B Data Using Grid Computing
Georeference is a basic function of remote sensing data processing. Geo-corrected remote sensing data is an important source data for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other location services. Large quantity remote sensing data were produced daily by satellites and other sensors. Georeferenceing of these data is time consumable and computationally intensive. To improve efficiency of processing, Grid technologies are applied. This paper focuses on the parallelization of the remote sensing data on a grid platform. According to the features of the algorithm, backwards-decomposition technique is applied to partition MODIS level 1B data. Firstly, partition the output array into evenly sized blocks using regular domain decomposition. Secondly, compute the geographical range of every block. Thirdly, find the GCPs triangulations contained in or intersect with the geographic range. Then extract block from original data in accordance with these triangulations. The extracted block is the d...
Yincui Hu, Yong Xue, Jiakui Tang, Shaobo Zhong, Gu
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICCS
Authors Yincui Hu, Yong Xue, Jiakui Tang, Shaobo Zhong, Guoyin Cai
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