

The Dynamics of Computing Agent Systems

14 years 8 months ago
The Dynamics of Computing Agent Systems
The paper presents the Multi Agent System (MAS) designed for the large scale parallel computations. The special kind of diffusionbased scheduling enables to decompose and allocate the migrable computing agents basing only of the local information. The paper introduces the formal model of the MAS under consideration in order to depict the roles of agent behavior and the whole system dynamics. The optimal scheduling problem for MAS as well as the way of its verification was presented in terms of such model. The brief report of the test results is stressed in the section 6. 1 Motivation The Multi-Agent System (MAS) governed by the local diffusion scheduling is a reasonable alternative for the centrally governed distributed computing systems. Although the idea of mobile task diffusion is well known since more then ten years (see. e.g. [6]) we propose the policy that consists in on-demand task partitioning and task remaping obtained by the dynamic agent creation and migration. It was im...
Maciej Smolka, Piotr Uhruski, Robert Schaefer, Mar
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICCS
Authors Maciej Smolka, Piotr Uhruski, Robert Schaefer, Marek Grochowski
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