

Quasi-interpolants Based Multilevel B-Spline Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data

14 years 8 months ago
Quasi-interpolants Based Multilevel B-Spline Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data
Abstract. This paper presents a new fast and local method of 3D surface reconstruction for scattered data. The algorithm makes use of quasiinterpolants to compute the control points from a coarse to fine hierarchy to generate a sequence of bicubic B-spline functions whose sum approaches to the desired interpolation function. Quasi-interpolants gives a procedure for deriving local spline approximation methods where a Bspline coefficient only depends on data points taken from the neighborhood of the support corresponding B-spline. Experimental results demonstrate that high-fidelity reconstruction is possible from a selected set of irregular samples.
Byung-Gook Lee, Joon-Jae Lee, Ki-Ryoung Kwon
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Byung-Gook Lee, Joon-Jae Lee, Ki-Ryoung Kwon
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