

The Content-Aware Caching for Cooperative Transcoding Proxies

14 years 8 months ago
The Content-Aware Caching for Cooperative Transcoding Proxies
The Web is rapidly increasing its reach beyond the desktop to various devices and the transcoding proxy is appeared to support web services efficiently. Recently, the cooperative transcoding proxy architecture is proposed to improve the system performance to cope with the scalability problem of a stand-alone transcoding proxy. However, because of the multiple versions, the communication protocol of the cooperative caches is very complex and causes additional delay to find best version for a requested object. In this paper, we propose efficient cooperative transcoding proxy architecture which uses the content-aware caching. The main purpose of the proposed system is simplifying the communication protocol of cooperative caches. We associates a home proxy for each URL and the home proxy is responsible for transcoding and maintaining multiple version of an URL. This mechanism reduces the amount of messages exchanged and communication latency involved. To prevent the hot-spot problem, each...
Byoung-Jip Kim, Kyungbaek Kim, Daeyeon Park
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Byoung-Jip Kim, Kyungbaek Kim, Daeyeon Park
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