

A Rewriting Logic Sampler

14 years 6 months ago
A Rewriting Logic Sampler
Rewriting logic is a simple computational logic very well suited as a semantic framework within which many different models of computation, systems and languages can be naturally modeled. It is also a flexible logical framework in which many different logical formalisms can be both represented and executed. As the title suggests, this paper does not try to give a comprehensive overview of rewriting logic. Instead, after introducing the basic concepts, it focuses on some recent research directions emphasizing: (i) extensions of the logic to model real-time systems and probabilistic systems; and (ii) some exciting application areas such as: semantics of programming languages, security, and bioinformatics.
José Meseguer
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors José Meseguer
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