

A Knowledge-Based Model for Analyzing GSM Network Performance

14 years 6 months ago
A Knowledge-Based Model for Analyzing GSM Network Performance
Abstract. In this paper, a method to analyze GSM network performance on the basis of massive data records and application domain knowledge is presented. The available measurements are divided into variable sets describing the performance of the different subsystems of the GSM network. Simple mathematical models for the subsystems are proposed. The model parameters are estimated from the available data record using quadratic programming. The parameter estimates are used to find the input-output variable pairs involved in the most severe performance degradations. Finally, the resulting variable pairs are visualized as a tree-shaped cause-effect chain in order to allow user friendly analysis of the network performance.
Pasi Lehtimäki, Kimmo Raivio
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IDA
Authors Pasi Lehtimäki, Kimmo Raivio
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