

Word Sense Disambiguation by Relative Selection

14 years 8 months ago
Word Sense Disambiguation by Relative Selection
Abstract. This paper describes a novel method for a word sense disambiguation that utilizes relatives (i.e. synonyms, hypernyms, meronyms, etc in WordNet) of a target word and raw corpora. The method disambiguates senses of a target word by selecting a relative that most probably occurs in a new sentence including the target word. Only one cooccurrence frequency matrix is utilized to efficiently disambiguate senses of many target words. Experiments on several English datum present that our proposed method achieves a good performance.
Hee-Cheol Seo, Hae-Chang Rim, Myung-Gil Jang
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Hee-Cheol Seo, Hae-Chang Rim, Myung-Gil Jang
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