

Adapting a Probabilistic Disambiguation Model of an HPSG Parser to a New Domain

14 years 8 months ago
Adapting a Probabilistic Disambiguation Model of an HPSG Parser to a New Domain
Abstract. This paper describes a method of adapting a domain-independent HPSG parser to a biomedical domain. Without modifying the grammar and the probabilistic model of the original HPSG parser, we develop a log-linear model with additional features on a treebank of the biomedical domain. Since the treebank of the target domain is limited, we need to exploit an original disambiguation model that was trained on a larger treebank. Our model incorporates the original model as a reference probabilistic distribution. The experimental results for our model trained with a small amount of a treebank demonstrated an improvement in parsing accuracy.
Tadayoshi Hara, Yusuke Miyao, Jun-ichi Tsujii
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Tadayoshi Hara, Yusuke Miyao, Jun-ichi Tsujii
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