

Converting Semantic Meta-knowledge into Inductive Bias

14 years 8 months ago
Converting Semantic Meta-knowledge into Inductive Bias
The Cyc KB has a rich pre-existing ontology for representing common sense knowledge. To clarify and enforce its terms’ semantics and to improve inferential efficiency, the Cyc ontology contains substantial meta-level knowledge that provides definitional information about its terms, such as a type hierarchy. This paper introduces a method for converting that meta-knowledge into biases for ILP systems. The process has three stages. First, a “focal position” for the target predicate is selected, based on the induction goal. Second, the system determines type compatibility or conflicts among predicate argument positions, and creates a compact, efficient representation that allows for syntactic processing. Finally, mode declarations are generated, taking advantage of information generated during the first and second phases.
John Cabral, Robert C. Kahlert, Cynthia Matuszek,
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ILP
Authors John Cabral, Robert C. Kahlert, Cynthia Matuszek, Michael J. Witbrock, Brett Summers
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