

On Highly Nonlinear S-Boxes and Their Inability to Thwart DPA Attacks

14 years 8 months ago
On Highly Nonlinear S-Boxes and Their Inability to Thwart DPA Attacks
Prouff has introduced recently, at FSE 2005, the notion of transparency order of S-boxes. This new characteristic is related to the ability of an S-box, used in a cryptosystem in which the round keys are introduced by addition, to thwart single-bit or multi-bit DPA attacks on the system. If this parameter has sufficiently small value, then the S-box is able to withstand DPA attacks without that ad-hoc modifications in the implementation be necessary (these modifications make the encryption about twice slower). We prove lower bounds on the transparency order of highly nonlinear S-boxes. We show that some highly nonlinear functions (in odd or even numbers of variables) have very bad transparency orders: the inverse functions (used as S-box in the AES), the Gold functions and the Kasami functions (at least under some assumption).
Claude Carlet
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Claude Carlet
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