

The Interactive Track at INEX 2005

14 years 7 months ago
The Interactive Track at INEX 2005
Abstract. In its second year, the Interactive Track at INEX focused on addressing some fundamental issues of interactive XML retrieval: is element retrieval useful for searchers, what granularity of elements do searchers find more useful, what applications for element retrieval can be viable in interactive environments, etc.. In addition, the track also expanded by offering an alternative document collection, by including two additional tasks, and by attracting more participating groups: A total of 11 research groups and 119 test persons participated in the three different tasks that were included in the track. In this paper, we describe the main issues that the Interactive Track at INEX 2005 attempts to address and the methodology and tasks that were used in the track.
Birger Larsen, Saadia Malik, Anastasios Tombros
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where INEX
Authors Birger Larsen, Saadia Malik, Anastasios Tombros
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