

Improved Algorithms for Largest Cardinality 2-Interval Pattern Problem

14 years 8 months ago
Improved Algorithms for Largest Cardinality 2-Interval Pattern Problem
Abstract The 2-Interval Pattern problem is to find the largest constrained pattern in a set of 2-intervals. The constrained pattern is a subset of the given 2-intervals such that any pair of them are R-comparable, where model R ⊆ { <, , () }. The problem stems from the study of general representation of RNA secondary structures. In this paper, we give three improved algorithms for different models. Firstly, an O(n log n + L) algorithm is proposed for the case R = { () }, where L = O(dn) = O(n2 ) is the total length of all 2-intervals (density d is the maximum number of 2-intervals over any point). This improves previous O(n2 log n) algorithm. Secondly, we use dynamic programming techniques to obtain an O(n log n+dn) algorithm for the case R = { <, }, which improves previous O(n2 ) result. Finally, we present another O(n log n + L) algorithm for the case R = { , () } with disjoint support(interval ground set), which improves previous O(n2 √ n) upper bound. Key words RNA Seco...
Hao Yuan, Linji Yang, Erdong Chen
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Hao Yuan, Linji Yang, Erdong Chen
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