

Preservation Digitization of David Edelberg's Handel LP Collection: A Pilot Project

14 years 8 months ago
Preservation Digitization of David Edelberg's Handel LP Collection: A Pilot Project
Although analogue phonograph recordings (LPs) have long shelf lives, there are many reasons for initiating research into proper procedures for their digital preservation. In order to facilitate long-term conservation and provide new forms of use and access to analogue sound recordings, an efficient and economical workflow management system for digital conversion is necessary because of the enormous quantity of existing recordings and the time required to digitize them faithfully. This paper describes the digitization process for building an online collection of LPs and the procedure for creating the ground-truth data, which is essential for developing an automated metadata and content capturing system. The workflow development involves several steps: hardware acquisition, installation, and configuration; software installation and development; copyright and rights management; metadata scheme design; analogueto-digital audio conversion; audio track separation; image scanning of record l...
Catherine Lai, Beinan Li, Ichiro Fujinaga
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Catherine Lai, Beinan Li, Ichiro Fujinaga
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