

Flexible Pattern Discovery with (Extended) Disjunctive Logic Programming

14 years 8 months ago
Flexible Pattern Discovery with (Extended) Disjunctive Logic Programming
Abstract. The post-genomic era showed up a wide range of new challenging issues for the areas of knowledge discovery and intelligent information management. Among them, the discovery of complex pattern repetitions in string databases plays an important role, specifically in those contexts where even what are to be considered the interesting pattern classes is unknown. This paper provides a contribution in this precise setting, proposing a novel approach, based on disjunctive logic programming extended with several advanced features, for discovering interesting pattern classes from a given data set.
Luigi Palopoli, Simona E. Rombo, Giorgio Terracina
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Luigi Palopoli, Simona E. Rombo, Giorgio Terracina
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