

Multiple Parameter Selection for LS-SVM Using Smooth Leave-One-Out Error

14 years 8 months ago
Multiple Parameter Selection for LS-SVM Using Smooth Leave-One-Out Error
In least squares support vector (LS-SVM), the key challenge lies in the selection of free parameters such as kernel parameters and tradeoff parameter. However, when a large number of free parameters are involved in LS-SVM, the commonly used grid search method for model selection is intractable. In this paper, SLOO-MPS is proposed for tuning multiple parameters for LS-SVM to overcome this problem. This method is based on optimizing the smooth leaveone-out error via a gradient descent algorithm and feasible to compute. Extensive empirical comparisons confirm the feasibility and validation of the SLOO-MPS.
Liefeng Bo, Ling Wang, Licheng Jiao
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ISNN
Authors Liefeng Bo, Ling Wang, Licheng Jiao
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