

Reducing the Overhead of Intra-Node Communication in Clusters of SMPs

14 years 7 months ago
Reducing the Overhead of Intra-Node Communication in Clusters of SMPs
Abstract. This article presents the C++ library vShark which reduces the intranode communication overhead of parallel programs on clusters of SMPs. The library is built on top of message-passing libraries like MPI to provide thread-safe communication but most importantly, to improve the communication between threads within one SMP node. vShark uses a modular but transparent design which makes it independent of specific communication libraries. Thus, different subsystems such as MPI, CORBA, or PVM could also be used for low-level communication. We present an implementation of vShark based on MPI and the POSIX thread library, and show that the efficient intra-node communication of vShark improves the performance of parallel algorithms.
Sascha Hunold, Thomas Rauber
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ISPA
Authors Sascha Hunold, Thomas Rauber
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