

Hierarchical Routing in Sensor Networks Using k-Dominating Sets

14 years 8 months ago
Hierarchical Routing in Sensor Networks Using k-Dominating Sets
For a connected graph, representing a sensor network, distributed algorithms for the Set Covering Problem can be employed to construct reasonably small subsets of the nodes, called k-SPR sets. Such a set can serve as a virtual backbone to facilitate shortest path routing, as introduced in [40], [12] and [13]. When employed in a hierarchical fashion, together with a hybrid (partly proactive, partly reactive) strategy, the k-SPR set methods become highly scalable, resulting in guaranteed shortest path routing with comparatively little overhead. In this paper, we first discuss the notion of k-SPR sets, with the nodes of such a set functioning as routers for the network. These sets generalize our earlier k-SPR sets, which facilitated shortest path routing. We then introduce K-SPR sequences that are used for hierarchical routing. We propose a distributed greedy algorithm for construction of K-SPR sequences. The new sets facilitate minimal path routing, where “minimal path” here means ...
Michael Q. Rieck, Subhankar Dhar
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IWDC
Authors Michael Q. Rieck, Subhankar Dhar
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