

Position Estimation for Goods Tracking System Using Mobile Detectors

14 years 8 months ago
Position Estimation for Goods Tracking System Using Mobile Detectors
Abstract. Determining physical location of indoor objects is one of the key issues in ubiquitous computing. Although there are many proposals to provide physical location tracking, those have some restrictions such as a dependence on the type and size of objects and a trade-off between position accuracy and the number of sensing devices. In this paper we present a hierarchical approach to conquer these restrictions using mobile detectors. We describe a system called MobiTra that estimates the position of indoor any and all objects using mobile detectors’ detection histories. The effect of position estimation is evaluated through prototype testbed and simulation. 1 Intoroduction Determining the location of indoor objects is one of the fundamental issues in ubiquitous computing. The importance and promise of location-aware applications has led to the design and implementation of systems for providing location information, particularly in indoor environments where the Global Positioni...
Hiroshi Mineno, Kazuo Hida, Miho Mizutani, Naoto M
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where KES
Authors Hiroshi Mineno, Kazuo Hida, Miho Mizutani, Naoto Miyauchi, Kazuhiro Kusunoki, Akira Fukuda, Tadanori Mizuno
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