

Natural Language Processing: Mature Enough for Requirements Documents Analysis?

14 years 8 months ago
Natural Language Processing: Mature Enough for Requirements Documents Analysis?
Requirements engineering is the Achilles’ heel of the whole software development process, because requirements documents are often inconsistent and incomplete. Misunderstandings and errors of the requirements engineering phase propagate to later development phases and can potentially lead to a project failure. A promising way to overcome misunderstandings is to extract and validate terms used in requirements documents and relations between these terms. This position paper gives an overview of the existing terminology extraction methods and shows how they can be integrated to reach a comprehensive text analysis approach. It shows how the integrated method would both detect inconsistencies in the requirements document and extract an ontology after elimination of inconsistencies. This integrated method would be more reliable than every of its single constituents. 1 Ontology as a Requirements Engineering Product Requirements engineering is the very first stage of any software project. T...
Leonid Kof
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where NLDB
Authors Leonid Kof
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