

Estimating software based on use case points

14 years 8 months ago
Estimating software based on use case points
It is well documented that software product cost estimates are notoriously inaccurate across the software industry. Creating accurate cost estimates for software product development projects early in the product development lifecycle has always been a challenge for the industry. This article describes how a large multi-team software engineering organization (over 450 engineers) estimates project cost accurately and early in the software development lifecycle using Use Case Points, and the process of evaluating metrics to ensure the accuracy of the model. The engineering teams of Agilis Solutions in partnership with FPT Software, provide our customers with accurate estimates for software product projects early in the product lifecycle. The bases for these estimates are initial definitions of Use Cases, given point factors and modified for technical and environmental factors according to the Use Case Point method defined within the Rational Unified Process. After applying the process ac...
Edward R. Carroll
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Edward R. Carroll
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