

Providing Autonomic Features to a Data Grid

14 years 8 months ago
Providing Autonomic Features to a Data Grid
Autonomic and Grid computing are complementary, in the sense that complex grid environments can take advantage of the features provided by autonomic computing and on the other hand, autonomic processes can be properly deployed by using grid technology. Besides, one of the most active fields in grid computing is the area of data grids, focusing on the data access. Our paper proposes a grid framework which provides autonomic characteristics in order to enhance the performance of the data access, predicting the future behaviour of the corresponding I/O system. The use of the autonomic system is transparent to the user. This paper also presents a study case of such system.
María S. Pérez, Alberto Sánch
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where OTM
Authors María S. Pérez, Alberto Sánchez, Ramiro Aparicio, Pilar Herrero, Manuel Salvadores
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