

RSA with Balanced Short Exponents and Its Application to Entity Authentication

14 years 8 months ago
RSA with Balanced Short Exponents and Its Application to Entity Authentication
In typical RSA, it is impossible to create a key pair (e, d) such that both are simultaneously much shorter than φ(N). This is because if d is selected first, then e will be of the same order of magnitude as φ(N), and vice versa. At Asiacrypt’99, Sun et al. designed three variants of RSA using prime factors p and q of unbalanced size. The first RSA variant is an attempt to make the private exponent d short below N0.25 and N0.292 which are the lower bounds of d for a secure RSA as argued first by Wiener and then by Boneh and Durfee. The second RSA variant is constructed in such a way that both d and e have the same bit-length 1 2 log2 N + 56. The third RSA variant is constructed by such a method that allows a trade-off between the lengths of d and e. Unfortunately, at Asiacrypt’2000, Durfee and Nguyen broke the illustrated instances of the first RSA variant and the third RSA variant by solving small roots to trivariate modular polynomial equations. Moreover, they showed that ...
Hung-Min Sun, Cheng-Ta Yang
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PKC
Authors Hung-Min Sun, Cheng-Ta Yang
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