

Frequency-Based Separation of Climate Signals

14 years 6 months ago
Frequency-Based Separation of Climate Signals
Abstract. The paper presents an example of exploratory data analysis of climate measurements using a recently developed denoising source separation (DSS) framework. We analysed a combined dataset containing daily measurements of three variables: surface temperature, sea level pressure and precipitation around the globe. Components exhibiting slow temporal behaviour were extracted using DSS with linear denoising. These slow components were further rotated using DSS with nonlinear denoising which implemented a frequency-based separation criterion. The rotated sources give a meaningful representation of the slow climate variability as a combination of trends, interannual oscillations, the annual cycle and slowly changing seasonal variations.
Alexander Ilin, Harri Valpola
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PKDD
Authors Alexander Ilin, Harri Valpola
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