

Intrusion Detection System Based on Multi-class SVM

14 years 7 months ago
Intrusion Detection System Based on Multi-class SVM
In this paper, we propose a new intrusion detection model, which keeps advantages of existing misuse detection model and anomaly detection model and resolves their problems. This new intrusion detection system, named to MMIDS, was designed to satisfy all the following requirements : 1) Fast detection of new types of attack unknown to the system; 2) Provision of detail information about the detected types of attack; 3) cost-effective maintenance due to fast and efficient learning and update; 4) incrementality and scalability of system. The fast and efficient training and updating faculties of proposed novel multi-class SVM which is a core component of MMIDS provide cost-effective maintenance of intrusion detection system. According to the experimental results, our method can provide superior performance in separating similar patterns and detailed separation capability of MMIDS is relatively good. Key words : intrusion detection, novelty detection, multi-class SVM, Kernel-ART 접수일...
Hansung Lee, Jiyoung Song, Daihee Park
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Hansung Lee, Jiyoung Song, Daihee Park
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