

Combining RDF and Part of OWL with Rules: Semantics, Decidability, Complexity

14 years 8 months ago
Combining RDF and Part of OWL with Rules: Semantics, Decidability, Complexity
This paper extends the model theory of RDF with rules, placing an emphasis on integration with OWL and decidability of entailstart from an abstract syntax that views a rule as a pair of rule graphs which generalize RDF graphs by also allowing rule variables in subject, predicate and object positions. We include RDFS as well as a decidable part of OWL that weakens D-entailment and OWL Full. Classes can be used as instances. Almost all examples in the DAML set of test rules are covered by our approach. For a set of rules R, we define a general notion of R-entailment. Extending earlier results on RDFS and OWL, we prove a general completeness result for R-entailment. This result shows that a restricted form of application of rules that introduce blank nodes is sufficient to determine R-entailment. For rules that do not introduce blank nodes, we prove that R-entailment and R-consistency are decidable and in PSPACE. For rules that do not introduce blank nodes and that satisfy a bound on the...
Herman J. ter Horst
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Herman J. ter Horst
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