

Generating Verbal and Nonverbal Utterances for Virtual Characters

14 years 8 months ago
Generating Verbal and Nonverbal Utterances for Virtual Characters
Abstract. We introduce an approach to multimodal generation of verbal and nonverbal contributions for virtual characters in a multiparty dialogue scenario. This approach addresses issues of turn-taking, is able to synchronize the different modalities in real-time, and supports fixed utterances as well as utterances that are assembled by a full-fledged treebased text generation algorithm. The system is implemented in a first version as part of the second VirtualHuman demonstrator.
Benjamin Kempe, Norbert Pfleger, Markus Löcke
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Benjamin Kempe, Norbert Pfleger, Markus Löckelt
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