

Separating Fairness and Well-Foundedness for the Analysis of Fair Discrete Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Separating Fairness and Well-Foundedness for the Analysis of Fair Discrete Systems
Fair discrete systems (FDSs) are a computational model of concurrent programs where fairness assumptions are specified in terms of sets of states. The analysis of fair discrete systems involves a non-trivial interplay between fairness and well-foundedness (ranking functions). This interplay has been an obstacle for automation. The contribution of this paper is a new analysis of temporal properties of FDSs. The analysis uses a domain of binary relations over states labeled by sets of indices of compassion requirements. The use of labeled relations separates the reasoning on well-foundedness and fairness.
Amir Pnueli, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Amir Pnueli, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko
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