

Collaborative Software Development and Topic Maps

14 years 6 months ago
Collaborative Software Development and Topic Maps
This work-in-progress report subsumes our ongoing research to develop a Topic Maps centric, modularised system which supports collaborative software development by combining the merits of Topic Maps for representation, the Semantic Zooming paradigm for navigation/visualisation, and a generic process model for development process steering. 1 Motivation and Objective The consistent transfer of semantics of requirements from the initial requirements analysis phase to concepts and models used in subsequent development phases is a major problem in software development [6,11]. As far as collaborative software development is concerned, communication between, e.g., stakeholders, designers and programmers may be complicated due to different individual viewpoints, interests, and domain knowledge. Phaserelated conceptualisation as shown in Fig. 1 may help to organise and mediate their discussions: Conceptual graphs are useful to represent domain knowledge, UML-based diagrams model designs of sof...
Markus Ueberall, Oswald Drobnik
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where TMRA
Authors Markus Ueberall, Oswald Drobnik
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