

Integrate Model-driven UI with Business Transformations: Shifting focus of Model-driven UI

14 years 7 months ago
Integrate Model-driven UI with Business Transformations: Shifting focus of Model-driven UI
This paper is not a technical paper that presents a new modelbased UI technique. It is about a project that revisits modeldriven UI design techniques in the context of business process modeling and business transformation. We have embarked on model-driven business transformation research and are beginning to tackle the model-driven UI design portion of it. For this aspect, the approach we are taking is drawn based on our extensive experience as user interface designers, as well as our experience within the past few years with business transformation engagements with real customers. The paper describes 4 different perspectives in our approach that shift the focus of model-based UI tools from just producing the end results to better supporting UI designers with a faster, model-driven UI design process. Categories and Subject Descriptors
Noi Sukaviriya, Santhosh Kumaran, Prabir Nandi, Te
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where UML
Authors Noi Sukaviriya, Santhosh Kumaran, Prabir Nandi, Terry Heath
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