

MINERVA: Collaborative P2P Search

14 years 8 months ago
MINERVA: Collaborative P2P Search
This paper proposes the live demonstration of a prototype of MINERVA1 , a novel P2P Web search engine. The search engine is layered on top of a DHT-based overlay network that connects an a-priori unlimited number of peers, each of which maintains a personal local database and a local search facility. Each peer posts a small amount of metadata to a physically distributed directory that is used to efficiently select promising peers from across the peer population that can best locally execute a query. The proposed demonstration serves as a proof of concept for P2P Web search by deploying the project on standard notebook PCs and also invites everybody to join the network by instantly installing a small piece of software from a USB memory stick.
Matthias Bender, Sebastian Michel, Peter Triantafi
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where VLDB
Authors Matthias Bender, Sebastian Michel, Peter Triantafillou, Gerhard Weikum, Christian Zimmer
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