As a simple XML query language but with enough expressive power, XPath has become very popular. To expedite evaluation of XPath queries, we consider the problem of rewriting XPath queries using materialized XPath views. This problem is very important and arises not only from query optimization in server side but also from semantic caching in client side. We consider the problem of deciding whether there exists a rewriting of a query using XPath views and the problem of finding minimal rewritings. We first consider those two problems for a very practical XPath fragment containing the descendent, child, wildcard and branch features. We show that the rewriting existence problem is coNP-hard and the problem of finding minimal rewritings is Σp 3. We also consider those two rewriting problems for three subclasses of this XPath fragment, each of which contains child feature and two of descendent, wildcard and branch features, and show that both rewriting problems can be polynomially solv...
Wanhong Xu, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu