

Hubble: An Advanced Dynamic Folder Technology for XML

14 years 6 months ago
Hubble: An Advanced Dynamic Folder Technology for XML
A significant amount of information is stored in computer systems today, but people are struggling to manage their documents such that the information is easily found. XML is a de-facto standard for content publishing and data exchange. The proliferation of XML documents has created new challenges and opportunities for managing document collections. Existing technologies for automatically organizing document collections are either imprecise or based on only simple criteria. Since XML documents are self describing, it is now possible to automatically categorize XML documents precisely, according to their content. With the availability of the standard XML query languages, e.g. XQuery, much more powerful folder technologies are now feasible. To address this new challenge and exploit this new opportunity, this paper proposes a new and powerful dynamic folder mechanism, called Hubble. Hubble fully exploits the rich data model and semantic information embedded in the XML documents to build ...
Ning Li, Joshua Hui, Hui-I Hsiao, Kevin S. Beyer
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where VLDB
Authors Ning Li, Joshua Hui, Hui-I Hsiao, Kevin S. Beyer
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