

On the Formal Development of Safety-Critical Software

14 years 8 months ago
On the Formal Development of Safety-Critical Software
Abstract. We reflect on the formal development models applicable to embedded control systems in light of our experience with safety-critical applications from the aerospace domain. This leads us to propose two complementary enhancements to Parnas' four-variable model, one elaborating the structure outside the control computer, and the other elaborating the structure inside the control computer. We then identify several challenges which illustrate why formal development in this domain is difficult, and report our own progress in meeting these challenges. Finally, we outline the residual issues, which form the agenda for our future work.
Andy Galloway, Frantz Iwu, John A. McDermid, Ian T
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Andy Galloway, Frantz Iwu, John A. McDermid, Ian Toyn
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