

The Self-relocating Index Scheme for Telematics GIS

14 years 8 months ago
The Self-relocating Index Scheme for Telematics GIS
The history management of vehicles is important in telematics applications. To process queries for history data, trajectories, we generally use trajectory-preserving index schemes based on the trajectory preservation property. This property means that a leaf node only contains segments belonging to a particular trajectory, regardless of the spatiotemporal locality of segments. The sacrifice of spatiotemporal locality, however, causes the index to increase the dead space of MBBs of non-leaf nodes and the overlap between the MBBs of nodes. Therefore, an index scheme for trajectories shows good performance with trajectory-based queries, but not with coordinate-based queries, such as range queries. We propose a new index scheme that improves the performance of range queries without reducing performance with trajectorybased queries. In the new index scheme using the entry relocation strategy, two entries in different nodes are exchanged to minimize the dead spaces of the MBBs of the corresp...
Duksung Lim, Bonghee Hong, Daesoo Cho
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where W2GIS
Authors Duksung Lim, Bonghee Hong, Daesoo Cho
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