

Adaptive Software Transactional Memory

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive Software Transactional Memory
Software Transactional Memory (STM) is a generic synchronization construct that enables automatic conversion of correct sequential objects into correct nonblocking concurrent objects. Recent STM systems, though significantly more practical than their predecessors, display inconsistent performance: differing design decisions cause different systems to perform best in different circumstances, often by dramatic margins. In this paper we consider four dimensions of the STM design space: (i) when concurrent objects are acquired by transactions for modification; (ii) how they are acquired; (iii) what they look like when not acquired; and (iv) the non-blocking semantics for transactions (lock-freedom vs. obstruction-freedom). In this 4-dimensional space we highlight the locations of two leading STM systems: the DSTM of Herlihy et al. and the OSTM of Fraser and Harris. Drawing motivation from the performance of a series of application benchmarks, we then present a new Adaptive STM (ASTM) sy...
Virendra J. Marathe, William N. Scherer III, Micha
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WDAG
Authors Virendra J. Marathe, William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott
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