

Hypertree Decompositions: Structure, Algorithms, and Applications

14 years 7 months ago
Hypertree Decompositions: Structure, Algorithms, and Applications
We review the concepts of hypertree decomposition and hypertree width from a graph theoretical perspective and report on a number of recent results related to these concepts. We also show – as a new result – that computing hypertree decompositions is fixed-parameter intractable. 1 Hypertree Decompositions: Definition and Basics This paper reports about the recently introduced concept of hypertree decomposition and the associated notion of hypertree-width. The latter is a cyclicity measure for hypergraphs, and constitutes a hypergraph invariant as it is preserved under hypergraph isomorphisms. Many interesting NP-hard problems are polynomially solvable for classes of instances associated with hypergraphs of bounded width. This is also true for other hypergraph invariants such as treewidth, cutset-width, and so on. However, the advantage of hypertree-width with respect to other known hypergraph invariants is that it is more general and covers larger classes of instances of bounded ...
Georg Gottlob, Martin Grohe, Nysret Musliu, Marko
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WG
Authors Georg Gottlob, Martin Grohe, Nysret Musliu, Marko Samer, Francesco Scarcello
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