

A Class of Rational n-WFSM Auto-intersections

14 years 8 months ago
A Class of Rational n-WFSM Auto-intersections
Weighted finite-state machines with n tapes describe n-ary rational string relations. The join n-ary relation is very important regarding to applications. It is shown how to compute it via a more simple operation, the auto-intersection. Join and auto-intersection generally do not preserve rationality. We define a class of triples A, i, j such that the auto-intersection of the machine A w.r.t. tapes i and j can be computed by a delay-based algorithm. We point out how to extend this class and hope that it is sufficient for many practical applications.
André Kempe, Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Jason E
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WIA
Authors André Kempe, Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Jason Eisner, Franck Guingne, Florent Nicart
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