

An Object-Oriented Structuring for Z Based on Views

14 years 8 months ago
An Object-Oriented Structuring for Z Based on Views
There is significant interest in the use of Z in conjunction with object-orientation. Here we present a new approach to structuring Z specifications in an object-oriented (OO) style. Our structuring is based on views, it uses the schema calculus, and it does not extend Z. The resulting OO Z specifications are comprehensible, modular, and conceptually clear. The modularity of the new approach supports a templateinstantiation approach to expressing OO models in Z; practical formal verification and validation of the model can be undertaken using metaproof, meta-lemmas, and formal snapshots.
Nuno Amálio, Fiona Polack, Susan Stepney
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ZUM
Authors Nuno Amálio, Fiona Polack, Susan Stepney
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