

Algorithm That Mimics Human Perceptual Grouping of Dot Patterns

14 years 8 months ago
Algorithm That Mimics Human Perceptual Grouping of Dot Patterns
We propose an algorithm that groups points similarly to how human observers do. It is simple, totally unsupervised and able to find clusters of complex and not necessarily convex shape. Groups are identified as the connected components of a Reduced Delaunay Graph (RDG) that we define in this paper. Our method can be seen as an algorithmic equivalent of the gestalt law of perceptual grouping according to proximity. We introduce a measure of dissimilarity between two different groupings of a point set and use this measure to compare our algorithm with human visual perception and the k-means clustering algorithm. Our algorithm mimics human perceptual grouping and outperforms the k-means algorithm in all cases that we studied. We also sketch a potential application in the segmentation of structural textures.
Giuseppe Papari, Nicolai Petkov
Added 29 Jun 2010
Updated 29 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where BVAI
Authors Giuseppe Papari, Nicolai Petkov
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