

A Relational Model for Object-Oriented Designs

14 years 8 months ago
A Relational Model for Object-Oriented Designs
This paper develops a mathematical characterisation of object-oriented concepts by defining an observation-oriented semantics for an object-oriented language (OOL) with a rich variety of features including subtypes, visibility, inheritance, dynamic binding and polymorphism. The language is expressive enough for the specification of object-oriented designs and programs. We also propose a calculus based on this model to support both structural and behavioural refinement of object-oriented designs. We take the approach of the development of the design calculus based on the standard predicate logic in Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). We also consider object reference in terms of object identity as values and mutually dependent methods.
Jifeng He, Zhiming Liu, Xiaoshan Li, Shengchao Qin
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Jifeng He, Zhiming Liu, Xiaoshan Li, Shengchao Qin
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