

Hypertext versioning for embedded link models

14 years 8 months ago
Hypertext versioning for embedded link models
In this paper, we describe Chrysant, a hypertext version control system for embedded link models. Chrysant provides generalpurpose versioning capability to hypertext systems with an embedded link model. To apply Chrysant for a specific hypertext system, we require the containment model for this system’s data model, the containment model of the version repository for this system, the hypertext role definition, the versioning role definition, and the filesystem mapping definition. Additionally, a specific parser that retrieves the link targets from the hypertext resources is needed. Hypertext versioning is different from versioning an individual resource in the traditional way, in that both the content of a hypertext resource and the relationships between it and other resources related by hypertext links are versioned. In Chrysant, the structure container and the content of a hypertext resource are versioned separately. We describe the architecture of Chrysant, and explain the procedu...
Kai Pan, E. James Whitehead Jr., Guozheng Ge
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where HT
Authors Kai Pan, E. James Whitehead Jr., Guozheng Ge
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