

Design and evolution of an undergraduate course on web application development

14 years 9 months ago
Design and evolution of an undergraduate course on web application development
Web technologies have become essential in the computing curricula. However, teaching a Web development course to computing students is challenging because of large bodies of knowledge, rapidly changing technologies, demanding support infrastructures and diverse background of audiences. This paper presents the evolution and the experiences we have gained in teaching a Web development course for the past seven years. We incorporate selected leading edge Web technologies as soon as they become mature and stable. The course covers a broad spectrum of Internet technologies to provide a solid conceptual framework. It also includes an in-depth study of a selected technology to provide the necessary depth and knowledge to build realistic Web applications. This paper describes the course design, our choice of topics, programming assignments, course delivery and our experience in coping with the rapidly changing Web technologies. Categories and Subject Descriptors: K3.2 [Computers and Education...
Kwok-Bun Yue, Wei Ding 0003
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Kwok-Bun Yue, Wei Ding 0003
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