

A plan-based mission control center for autonomous vehicles

14 years 8 months ago
A plan-based mission control center for autonomous vehicles
Teams of autonomous vehicles (AVs) carry out missions in a number of fields such as space exploration and searchand-rescue. However, human supervision is still required to monitor the status of the team to ensure that the mission is being carried out as planned. To reduce information overload on these supervisors, we have developed an application, the Mission Control Center (MCC), that aggregates and abstracts status information from AVs using a plan-based view of the mission. Using this model, the MCC presents mission status at the level of goals and plans and directs operator attention to the AVs that require the most attention. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces—graphical user interfaces, screen design, usercentered design General Terms Human Factors, Design Keywords plan-based interfaces, autonomous vehicles
Gary Look, Howard E. Shrobe
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IUI
Authors Gary Look, Howard E. Shrobe
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