This paper studies the performance of a multi-rate mobile ad hoc network (MANET) using an extended ns-2 simulator. A link adaptation algorithm is developed and tested. The multi-rate control algorithm is based on the channel access mechanism for IEEE 802.11 with modifications. Some realistic models for radio propagation, such as lognormal fading and Walfisch/Ikagami propagation model, are used. At transport and application layer, different kinds of data traffic, including constant bit rate, TCP, voice over IP, and video are tested. The effects due to position error and mobility are also examined. The simulation results show that link layer data rate control can greatly improve network performance. Components at different layers all contribute to the system performance of a MANET. It is also shown that multimedia data transmission over MANETs deserves future study. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.4 [Performance of Systems]: performance attributes, design studies; C.2.2 [Computer-C...
Gang Ding, Xiaoxin Wu, Bharat K. Bhargava