

Applications of context-aware computing in hospital work: examples and design principles

14 years 8 months ago
Applications of context-aware computing in hospital work: examples and design principles
Context-awareness is a key concept in ubiquitous computing, which sometimes seems to be a technology looking for a purpose. In this paper we report on the application of context-aware computing for medical work in hospitals, which has appeared to be a strong case for applying context-aware computing. We present the design of a context-aware pill container and a context-aware hospital bed, both of which reacts and adapts according to what is happening in their context. The applications have been evaluated in a number of workshop with clinicians and patients. Based on this empirical work of designing, developing, and evaluating context-aware clinical applications, the paper outlines some key design principles for a context-awareness framework, supporting the development and deployment of context-aware clinical computer applications. Keywords Context-aware computing, ubiquitous computing, Java Context-Aware Framework, JCAF, electronic patient record, context-aware hospital bed
Jakob Bardram
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where SAC
Authors Jakob Bardram
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